Magma Hub is an interdisciplinary project where medicine, humanities and art meet.
The role of medical humanities has come to hold an important place in clinical practice, in the academic world and the arts, transforming the figure of the patient from a dehumanised element, seen as a pure medical case, to a figure holistically understood in its totality.
The intent is to open an interdisciplinary dialogue to create a space where new methodologies and ways of expression can be explored and created to help patients find their voice in dealing with illness and the trauma it brings, which is not always part of the therapeutic process.
By integrating medicine and treatment, humanities and art people's health and wellbeing can be improved by overcoming limitations, contexts and socio-cultural inequalities. They become a mode of expression, methodology, therapy, and a means through which new forms of expression can be created to overcome the stigma and isolation with which the disease is often associated.